[c-nsp] Deferral Announcement for the March 2011 Cisco IOS Software Security Advisories

Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team psirt at cisco.com
Thu Mar 17 11:58:12 EDT 2011

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Cisco PSIRT regularly discloses vulnerabilities in Cisco IOS Software on
the fourth Wednesday in March and September via the Cisco IOS Security
Advisory bundle. The next bundled disclosure was planned for Wednesday,
March 23, 2011, but Cisco will defer this disclosure until the next
scheduled Cisco IOS bundle on September 28, 2011.

Cisco has a long-standing policy of disclosing vulnerabilities to
customers and the public simultaneously to ensure equal access to
patched software. Based on recent events in Japan and eastern Asia, we
are sensitive to the fact that customers globally are impacted directly
or indirectly by these events and may not be able to respond effectively
to the scheduled disclosure event.

This regional disaster has not affected the ability of Cisco to disclose
vulnerability information. In keeping with our policy, if we see
evidence of active exploitation of a vulnerability that could lead
to increased risk for Cisco customers, we will disclose appropriate
information out of cycle.

Please direct any questions about this announcement to either
psirt at cisco.com or your local Cisco support team.

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