[c-nsp] ME3400 12.2(58)SE1 input CIR bug?

Pavel Skovajsa pavel.skovajsa at gmail.com
Mon May 16 06:31:34 EDT 2011


After upgrading to 12.2(58)SE1 on a ME3400 seems like all the input CIR with
BC configured like this stopped working:
policy-map CIR_4096
 class class-default
    police cir 4096000 bc 256000
      conform-action transmit
      exceed-action drop

When trying to apply the following to an interface it produces this:
switch(config)#int fa0/1
switch(config-if)#service-policy input CIR_4096
extended burst (be) cannot be configured for this interface
Configuration failed!

Interesting enough this worked fine on anything before 12.2(58)SE1. Does
somebody know whether this is a bug or a newly "discovered" hw limitation
that is never going to be fixed?

BTW it works fine when I remove the BC from the policy map, but I do not
want to reconfigure ton of switches:
policy-map CIR_4096
 class class-default
    police cir 4096000
      conform-action transmit
      exceed-action drop

-pavel skovajsa

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