[c-nsp] Policing VLANs on a trunk

Phil Mayers p.mayers at imperial.ac.uk
Mon Oct 17 06:13:56 EDT 2011

On 17/10/11 08:50, Graham Beneke wrote:
> I have been doing some reading and googling and I've ended up more
> confused than where I started...
> Can someone point me to a good reference doc (specifically for the 6500
> platform)?
> We have a Metro Ethernet service from a local provider and we are
> running a dot1q trunk over it. What I'm trying to do is to rate-limit
> the two VLANs on the trunk so that neither one can consume the full
> capacity of the circuit. The VLANs don't terminate on a local SVI so I
> suspect that this may not actually work.

I'm not sure you can do this. But: does this work?

class-map Customer-100
   match vlan 100
class-map Customer-200
   match vlan 200
policy-map Customers
   class Customer-100
     police ...
   class Customer-200
     police ...

interface GiX/Y
   service-policy Customers in

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