[c-nsp] Huawei NE40E-X3 vs Cisco AS9K

Pshem Kowalczyk pshem.k at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 21:55:16 EDT 2011


On 30 September 2011 03:48, Manuel MarĂ­n <mmg at transtelco.net> wrote:
> What about the post sales support with Huawei? We are currently testing with
> them and they are very friendly and helpful but I'm a little concern about
> post sale support.

YMMV depending on your local Huawei people (if you have them
available). From my personal experience - Huawei seems to be very good
before signing the deal, and so-so after. Having comprehensive support
contract helps, but if you're planing to run the devices mainly
yourself (i.e. only using documentation and your own resources) , with
Huawei only assisting with faults - it is likely to be a steep
learning curve. Support maturity (like what you would get from J or C)
is not entirely there.

kind regards

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