[c-nsp] 7600 AtoM mpls issue (Gert Doering)

michalis.bersimis at hq.cyta.gr michalis.bersimis at hq.cyta.gr
Fri Apr 6 03:41:20 EDT 2012

In 7600 with 67xx Cards you can make in interface Vlan EoMPLS. I have implement this with SRD and SRE IOS Take care that both end of the xconnect has the same MTU!! If you put the following command it should inform you for any problems!

sh mpls l2transport vc 701 detail 
Local interface: Vl701 up, line protocol up, Eth VLAN 701 up
  Interworking type is Ethernet
  Destination address:, VC ID: 701, VC status: up
    Output interface: Te7/1, imposed label stack {115 2707}
    Preferred path: not configured  
    Default path: active
    Next hop:
  Create time: 20w1d, last status change time: 3w2d
  Signaling protocol: LDP, peer up
    Targeted Hello: Id) ->, LDP is UP
    Status TLV support (local/remote)   : enabled/supported
      LDP route watch                   : enabled
      Label/status state machine        : established, LruRru
      Last local dataplane   status rcvd: No fault
      Last local SSS circuit status rcvd: No fault
      Last local SSS circuit status sent: No fault
      Last local  LDP TLV    status sent: No fault
      Last remote LDP TLV    status rcvd: No fault
      Last remote LDP ADJ    status rcvd: No fault
    MPLS VC labels: local 387, remote 2707 
    Group ID: local 0, remote 0
    MTU: local 1600, remote 1600
    Remote interface description: 
    MAC Withdraw: sent:2, received:0
  Sequencing: receive disabled, send disabled
  Control Word: On (configured: autosense)
  VC statistics:
    transit packet totals: receive 70459, send 0
    transit byte totals:   receive 4510236, send 0
    transit packet drops:  receive 0, seq error 0, send 0

interface Vlan701
 mtu 1600
 no ip address
 xconnect 701 encapsulation mpls

Best Regards,

Michalis Bersimis

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