[c-nsp] Rancid use without level 15 access?

heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Fri Jul 6 12:22:02 EDT 2012

Fri, Jul 06, 2012 at 04:47:16PM +0100, Nick Hilliard:
> You can use tacacs+ authorization, and create a big long list of commands
> that rancid expects to be able to use.  I've personally found this more
> trouble than it's worth, because the command list changes from IOS device
> to device and from one rancid version to another.  And it's a pain in the

just disallow commands; reload,configure,clear

> ass to debug when stuff goes wrong because rancid doesn't detect this and
> gripe - it fails silently.

noted.  you can just add all the commands in the command list; on some
devices they will not work and it knows to ignore that.

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