[c-nsp] Change BGP default-originate to IGP?

Tom Lanyon tom+c-nsp at oneshoeco.com
Wed Oct 10 20:04:48 EDT 2012

Thanks for the tips, we'll have a play with some of the options suggested around originating the default.

On 05/10/2012, at 11:52 AM, Anton Kapela wrote:
> also +1 to inter-border router ibgp sessions over some other layer2
> path/port pair/etc -- one should always have that, unless you can't
> for some strange reason.

On 27/09/2012, at 11:24 PM, David Prall wrote:
> As well could put a GRE Tunnel or VLAN between the two ASR's and run iBGP
> between the two. You control the path between the two routers, so the tunnel
> can be over a jumbo frame capable path.

I'm glad a iBGP session between the ASRs over a GRE tunnel was mentioned, as that's exactly what we have running and I was questioning whether this was a bad practice or not...


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