[c-nsp] ASR-100x intro

Beck, Andre cisco-nsp at ibh.net
Wed Apr 10 03:53:59 EDT 2013


(as that's a long time since last post to this thread, I'll reply to
the list only and clear up CCs, hope that's Ok).

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 01:09:58AM -0800, Mack McBride wrote:
> Final answer on how long 1M routes will work for is variable.
> At least 18 months, possibly as long as 3 or 4 years.  Beyond that
> and there is going to be table pruning if growth continues.

We've prodded Cisco via several routes about that problem, as I couldn't
believe the ASR1002-X would really max out at 1M FIB despite all the
similarities to the ESP40+RP2 combo. Turns out there was a Cisco internal
"Unidimensional Scaling Sheet" with way better numbers for the case of
equipping the box with 16GB RAM. I made clear how the current published
numbers are a deterrent to ISPs in a certain size range shopping for NPE-G2
replacements, and the numbers just came public in the data sheet:


>From Table 8:

 500,000 IPv4 or 500,000 IPv6 routes with 4GB Memory
 1,000,000 IPv4 or 1,000,000 IPv6 routes with 8GB Memory
 3,500,000 IPv4 or 3,000,000 IPv6 routes with 16GB Memory

That should finally clear up this issue and makes the 1002-X an excellent
replacement for NPE-G2 I think, with a sufficient DFZ lifetime expectancy.
Already collecting BOMs here ;)

                    Cool .signatures are so 90s...

-> Andre Beck    +++ ABP-RIPE +++      IBH IT-Service GmbH, Dresden <-

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