[c-nsp] malloclite memory leak

Joe Maimon jmaimon at ttec.com
Sun Aug 25 00:53:39 EDT 2013

I dont think these are normal numbers, happening on bunch of similar 
configuration routers.

r1#sh proc mem so
Processor Pool Total:  362681452 Used:  124296132 Free:  238385320
       I/O Pool Total:   33554432 Used:    3254704 Free:   30299728
Transient Pool Total:   16777216 Used:     364668 Free:   16412548

  PID TTY  Allocated      Freed    Holding    Getbufs    Retbufs Process
    0   0  113031984   44195888   64687316          0          0 *Init*
    0   0          0          0   35090640          0          0 

r1#sh memory lite-chunks stat
       Pool       Inuse       Free
    8-Bytes         164       1880
   20-Bytes      489759        621
   44-Bytes      191948       1414
   68-Bytes         120        591
   96-Bytes         108        437
  128-Bytes          36        394

r2#sh proc mem so
Processor Pool Total:  111031488 Used:   97867104 Free:   13164384
       I/O Pool Total:   16777216 Used:    2898288 Free:   13878928
Transient Pool Total:   16777216 Used:     328988 Free:   16448228

  PID TTY  Allocated      Freed    Holding    Getbufs    Retbufs Process
    0   0  102129856   44470520   53679672          0          0 *Init*
    0   0          0          0   23284864          0          0 
    1   0    3492680     769636    2731828          0          0 Chunk 

r2#sh memory lite-chunks statistics
       Pool       Inuse       Free
    8-Bytes         291       1753
   20-Bytes      517445       1169
   44-Bytes         867       1057
   68-Bytes         147        564
   96-Bytes          97        448
  128-Bytes          35        395

How do I go about troubleshooting them?

I have tried turning off memory lite on one of them, to see if the leak 
is more clearly identifiable, but so far no leaking.


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