[c-nsp] BGP memory usage: "holding"

Saku Ytti saku at ytti.fi
Sat Aug 31 02:15:04 EDT 2013

On (2013-08-30 16:08 -0700), Chris Hunt wrote:

> ASBR01#show ip bgp summ
> BGP using 118439934 total bytes of memory

> ASBR01#show proc memory sorted
>  PID TTY  Allocated      Freed    Holding    Getbufs    Retbufs Process
>  245   0 1164760780 2722921792  266540872      21596          0 BGP
> Router      

> Does anyone know where all that "Holding" memory is going?  Thanks and
> happy labor day!

It's a fair question, to which I don't know answer. But I know this memory
consumption is perfectly expected. I have *cough* big boned iBGP and
running DMZ on 512MB VXR has been out of the question for many years now.

#sh ip bgp summary            
BGP using 129215473 total bytes of memory

#show processes memory sorted 
 PID TTY  Allocated      Freed    Holding    Getbufs    Retbufs Process
  267   0  305658188 3274478028  363582488          0          0 BGP Router      


I'm sure you can open TAC case about 'sh ip bgp summary' showing
incorrectly memory use, and I'd love to hear also what is missing from
there. But I'm afraid you have to forget about DMZ and NPE400.


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