[c-nsp] FW: Cisco blade switch config
Andrew Miehs
andrew at 2sheds.de
Wed Feb 20 12:09:54 EST 2013
What does Show interface trunk show?
Sent from a mobile device
On 21/02/2013, at 9:05, "Kevin Berry" <kevin.berry.70 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Etherchannel now shows only the two uplink ports, as below:
> Group Port-channel Protocol Ports
>> ------+-------------+-----------+-------------------------------------
>> ------+-------------+-----------+------
>> ----
>> 1 Po1(SU) LACP Gi0/20(P) Gi0/22(P)
>> You original show etherchannel had too many ports in the portchannel. Have
> you fixed this yet?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Miehs [mailto:andrew at 2sheds.de]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 5:03 PM
> To: Kevin Berry
> Cc: <cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net>
> Subject: Re: [c-nsp] FW: Cisco blade switch config
> Sent from a mobile device
> On 21/02/2013, at 8:11, "Kevin Berry" <kevin.berry.70 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yes, I am aware. My HP simply was configured something like:
>> Config t
>> Trunk 21-22 trk1 lacp
>> Trunk 37-38 trk2 lacp
>> Exit
>> Then I made sure that those trunks were TAGGED for each VLAN.
>> The HP switch, appears correct. I believe, even by review Then for
>> Cisco, I built Etherchannel LACP from ports. My etherchannel summary
>> now shows that gi 0/20 & 0/22 are in use and bundled in port channel.
>> So that seems fine.
>> My etherchannel for those ports was built for channel 1, or PO1.
>> Config
>> reads:
>>> interface Port-channel1
>>> description HP CORE
>>> switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-3,100 switchport mode trunk
>>> spanning-tree portfast trunk spanning-tree vlan 4-99 cost 20 !
>>> interface GigabitEthernet0/1
>>> switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-3,100 switchport mode trunk speed
>>> 1000 channel-group 1 mode active spanning-tree portfast !
>>> interface GigabitEthernet0/2
>>> switchport trunk allowed vlan 1-3,100 switchport mode trunk speed
>>> 1000 channel-group 1 mode active spanning-tree portfast
> You original show etherchannel had too many ports in the portchannel. Have
> you fixed this yet?
>> Now, this being the case, would you not expect these ports to carry
>> traffic on those vlans (1,2,3,100) ?
>> If I have a ESX host in gi 0/1 and it has vm's on 2 of those vlans,
>> and 2 virtual switches are configured, one for each ip segment/vlan,
>> then each VM should send traffic to my uplink ports, in this case gi
>> 0/20 & 0/22, which will pass all those vlans on to the next switch?
>> It is odd to me, as port gi 0/1 needs to be able to actually
>> accommodate multiple vlans, so to me that would be a trunk. Then, to
>> combine multiple ports to move traffic, I need the etherchannel (with
>> LACP talking to the HP). It seems this all works fine as long as only
>> 1 vlan is applied. AS soon as the expectation is for more than one vlan,
> it ceases.
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