[c-nsp] MPLS routed pseudowire between ASR9k and 7600 with LAN cards

Artyom Viklenko artem at viklenko.net
Wed Feb 27 01:49:07 EST 2013

26.02.2013 08:13, Aivars пишет:
> interface PW-Ether555
> mtu 9216
> 7600:
> interface TenGigabitEthernet3/4.555
> encapsulation dot1Q 555
>   xconnect 555 encapsulation mpls
> mtu 9202

Hi! I'm not sure about ASR9K, but is it ok that you have different MTU
on opposite side? Between two 7600-s VC didn't come up if MTU mismatch.

Sincerely yours,
  Artyom Viklenko.

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