[c-nsp] BGP route won't advertise

Jay Hennigan jay at west.net
Wed Feb 27 18:47:13 EST 2013

On 2/27/13 3:24 PM, Jerry Bacon wrote:

> R1#sh ip bgp a.b.c.0/22
> BGP routing table entry for a.b.c.0/22, version 406152
> Bestpath Modifiers: always-compare-med, deterministic-med
> Paths: (1 available, best #1)
>   Not advertised to any peer
>   11xx1
>     x.y.z.242 (metric 143360) from x.y.z.242 (x.y.z.242)
>       Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
> None of the issues that I have been able to find that might cause this
> behaviour seem to apply. Any ideas on what more to look for?

No IGP route to x.y.z.242 from R1 and BGP synchronization enabled?
Prefix-list or AS-path filter list on your EBGP neighbor on R1?
Next hop of R3 not reachable from EBGP neighbor (need next-hop-self?)
No-export community getting applied by a route-map?

Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Engineering - jay at impulse.net
Impulse Internet Service  -  http://www.impulse.net/
Your local telephone and internet company - 805 884-6323 - WB6RDV

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