[c-nsp] 15.1SY & draft-rosen MVPN

Phil Mayers p.mayers at imperial.ac.uk
Thu Jan 3 09:50:50 EST 2013

On 06/12/12 10:13, Phil Mayers wrote:
> On 11/19/2012 11:20 PM, Arie Vayner (avayner) wrote:
>> The command should be under the IPv4 address family...
>> Router(config)#vrf definition test
> Hmm. TAC have been looking at this for me, and apparently the feature is
> not present in the "Advanced IP services" image. It is present in the
> "Advanced enterprise" image (which we're not licensed for).
> Did I miss some feature move / relicense stuff for 15.1(SY)? I know the
> "WAN" bit of the images has gone - maybe related?


Just to follow up, this seems to be a defect - the feature seems to have 
fallen out of the "advanced IP services" image somehow, but is 
supposedly present in "advanced enterprise". Cisco haven't confirmed I'm 
"authorised" to run that image temporarily, so I haven't tested this...

See CSCud67557

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