[c-nsp] Network tap solution recommendations

Duncan Maccubbin duncan.maccubbin at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 3 16:57:51 EST 2013

 I've had good experiences with Network Critical for taps. As far as analysis software you can't beat OpNet.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Bernie <zenbernie at gmail.com>
>Sent: Jan 3, 2013 3:23 PM
>To: cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net
>Subject: [c-nsp] Network tap solution recommendations
>I find myself needing to specify a 10GB network tap solution, to include a
>monitoring station or packet analysis software. Aside from trying to
>Frankenstein a Wireshark system together, does anyone have recommendations
>on good gear you've used?
>My starting point is I'm looking at NetOptics for their 10GB passive tap
>for LC fiber. However, I'd appreciate having a couple of vendor names so I
>can do a price comparison for my boss.
>Bernie Wilson
>cisco-nsp mailing list  cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net
>archive at http://puck.nether.net/pipermail/cisco-nsp/

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