[c-nsp] show command for active multicast kbps rate

Aaron aaron1 at gvtc.com
Mon Jan 14 10:41:27 EST 2013

Sh mfib route rate






From: Erçin TORUN [mailto:ercintorun at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 6:18 AM
To: John Neiberger
Cc: Aaron; Adam Vitkovsky; cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net
Subject: Re: [c-nsp] show command for active multicast kbps rate


the command is "show mrib route rate".  I've forgot to add "rate" to the end

tp# show mfib route rate

IP Multicast Forwarding Rates
Source Address, Group Address
HW Forwarding Rates: bps In/pps In/bps Out/pps Out

bps_in /pps_in /bps_out /pps_out
1898751 / 175 / N/A / N/A 

2013/1/12 John Neiberger <jneiberger at gmail.com>

I do recall opening a TAC case on something like this about a year ago. We also were not seeing rates in our multicast traffic. As I recall, they said it was a bug, but I don't have any details. I'll see if I can find the case notes. We were running 4.0.1 at the time.


On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 12:03 PM, Aaron <aaron1 at gvtc.com> wrote:

I think I enabled that too on my asr9k's and recall not seeing any rates either.  Wondering if there is a known issue with this.  Anyone know anything about that ?


-----Original Message-----
From: cisco-nsp-bounces at puck.nether.net [mailto:cisco-nsp-bounces at puck.nether.net] On Behalf Of Erçin TORUN
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 12:07 PM
To: Adam Vitkovsky
Cc: cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net
Subject: Re: [c-nsp] show command for active multicast kbps rate

Hi again,

I've enabled the "rate-per-route" command but still cant see the per flow rates. Have any idea ? I'm sure that there is a flow cause i'm watching it and it passes throughout the backbone.

#show mfib route detail

IP Multicast Forwarding Information Base Entry flags: C - Directly-Connected Check, S - Signal, D - Drop,
  IA - Inherit Accept, IF - Inherit From, MA - MDT Address,
  ME - MDT Encap, MD - MDT Decap, MT - MDT Threshold Crossed,
  MH - MDT interface handle, CD - Conditional Decap,
  DT - MDT Decap True, EX - Extranet
  MoFE - MoFRR Enabled, MoFS - MoFRR State Interface flags: F - Forward, A - Accept, IC - Internal Copy,
  NS - Negate Signal, DP - Don't Preserve, SP - Signal Present,
  EG - Egress, EI - Encapsulation Interface, MI - MDT Interface,
  EX - Extranet, A2 - Secondary Accept
Forwarding/Replication Counts: Packets in/Packets out/Bytes out Failure Counts: RPF / TTL / Empty Olist / Encap RL / Other

(x.x.x.x,,   Flags:
  Up: 00:02:02
  Last Used: never
  SW Forwarding Counts: 0/0/0
  SW Replication Counts: 0/0/0
  SW Failure Counts: 0/0/0/0/0
  Route ver: 0x2f34
  MVPN Info :-
    MDT Handle: 0x0, MDT Probe:N [N], Rate:Y, Acc:N
    MDT SW Ingress Encap V4/V6, Egress decap: 0 / 0, 0
    Encap ID: 0 RPF ID: 0
    Local Receiver: True Turnaround: False
  TenGigE0/0/0/0 Flags:  NS, Up:00:02:02
  GigabitEthernet0/1/0/4.112 Flags:  A, Up:00:02:02

#show mrib route detail

IP Multicast Routing Information Base
Entry flags: L - Domain-Local Source, E - External Source to the Domain,
    C - Directly-Connected Check, S - Signal, IA - Inherit Accept,
    IF - Inherit From, D - Drop, MA - MDT Address, ME - MDT Encap,
    MD - MDT Decap, MT - MDT Threshold Crossed, MH - MDT interface handle
    CD - Conditional Decap, MPLS - MPLS Decap, MF - MPLS Encap, EX - Extranet
    MoFE - MoFRR Enabled, MoFS - MoFRR State Interface flags: F - Forward, A - Accept, IC - Internal Copy,
    NS - Negate Signal, DP - Don't Preserve, SP - Signal Present,
    II - Internal Interest, ID - Internal Disinterest, LI - Local Interest,
    LD - Local Disinterest, DI - Decapsulation Interface
    EI - Encapsulation Interface, MI - MDT Interface, LVIF - MPLS Encap,
    EX - Extranet, A2 - Secondary Accept

(x.x.x.x , Ver: 0x2f34 RPF nbr: x.x.x.x Flags:, FMA:
0x501bfba0 FGID: 0x4 MGID: 0x9a2c
  Up: 00:02:19
  Incoming Interface List
    GigabitEthernet0/1/0/4.112 Flags: A, Up: 00:02:19
  Outgoing Interface List
    TenGigE0/0/0/0 Flags: F NS, Up: 00:02:19

# show ip route x.x.x.x
Fri Jan 11 20:00:24.076 Turkiye

Routing entry for x.x.x.x/28
  Known via "connected", distance 0, metric 0 (connected)
  Installed Dec 20 00:12:02.128 for 3w1d
  Routing Descriptor Blocks
    directly connected, via GigabitEthernet0/1/0/4.112
      Route metric is 0
  Redist Advertisers:
    ospf 1

  multipath hash source-nexthop
  ssm range abcde
  ssm allow-override

2013/1/8 Erçin TORUN <ercintorun at gmail.com>

> Hi Adam,
> Thanks for quick response. I used the "sh mrib route" before but
> without "rate-per-route" config, will check asap.
> 2013/1/8 Adam Vitkovsky <adam.vitkovsky at swan.sk>
>> In XR its sh mrib route/sh mfib route but in order to get the bw rate
>> you have to have the following cmd enabled:
>> multicast-routing
>>  rate-per-route
>> adam
> --

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