[c-nsp] asr9k police config 8k - seeing 38k allowed

Aaron aaron1 at gvtc.com
Tue Sep 10 11:15:15 EDT 2013

Thanks Oli, also it appears that you must police in 64 k increments... But
why doesn't it change the burst when I police at 192 kbps, but it does
change burst when I police at 256 kbps... ?  1598 * 2 = 3196....
interestingly it added one more byte... 3197....then when I go up to 64 k
more, it added 2 bytes.  But when I added the next 64 k increment to 384 k
policing it goes to exactly 1598 * 3 = 4794 !  Does any of that make sense?
...is it explainable somehow ?  maybe there is a document somewhere with a
scale chart that shows at each increment what it will do for built-in burst
values and why. 

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:sv-b-9k-test1(config-pmap-c-police)#  police rate 191 kbps
Conform: 128 kbps (191 kbps) Burst: 1598 bytes (0 Default)

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:sv-b-9k-test1(config-pmap-c-police)#  police rate 192 kbps
Conform: 192 kbps (192 kbps) Burst: 1598 bytes (0 Default)

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:sv-b-9k-test1(config-pmap-c-police)#police rate 256 k
Conform: 256 kbps (256 kbps) Burst: 3197 bytes (0 Default)

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:sv-b-9k-test1(config-pmap-c-police)#police rate 319 k
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:sv-b-9k-test1(config-pmap-c-police)#do sh qos int g0/0/0/10 o
| in Burst
Conform: 256 kbps (319 kbps) Burst: 3197 bytes (0 Default)

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:sv-b-9k-test1(config-pmap-c-police)#police rate 321 k
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:sv-b-9k-test1(config-pmap-c-police)#do sh qos int g0/0/0/10 o
| in Burst
Conform: 320 kbps (321 kbps) Burst: 3199 bytes (0 Default)

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:sv-b-9k-test1(config-pmap-c-police)#police rate 384 k
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:sv-b-9k-test1(config-pmap-c-police)#do sh qos int g0/0/0/10 o
| in Burst
Conform: 384 kbps (384 kbps) Burst: 4794 bytes (0 Default)


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