[c-nsp] traceroute ipv6 - source interface unavailable?

Marian Ďurkovič md at bts.sk
Mon Apr 14 09:30:55 EDT 2014

Hi all,

trying to create an automated script for IPv6 traceroutes, we noticed
strange CLI behaviour which doesn't allow privilege 15 user to enter
source address/interface nor other options:

#traceroute ipv6 www.cisco.com ?

For IPv4 it works as expected:

#traceroute ip www.cisco.com ? 

  numeric  display numeric address
  port     specify port number
  probe    specify number of probes per hop
  source   specify source address or name
  timeout  specify time out
  ttl      specify minimum and maximum ttl

Also for IPv6 ping it works:

#ping ipv6 www.cisco.com ?   

  data     specify data pattern
  repeat   specify repeat count
  size     specify datagram size
  source   specify source address or name
  timeout  specify timeout interval
  verbose  verbose output

IOS 15.2(4)M5 on Cisco1921. 

Any hints?



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