[c-nsp] 1. Spantree .1Q packets received on non-trunk port. (Lee Starnes)

Lukas Tribus luky-37 at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 27 05:09:03 EDT 2014


> I guess if is an access port you shouldn¹t need incoming BPDUs, so you can
> easily turn off spanning tree for that VLAN on that port.
> interface fastethernet0/3
>  no spanning tree vlan 638

Careful, this is not an interface command, but a global command and
will disable spanning-tree on the entire vlan.

If you don't need end-to-end STP on that port, I suggest you configure

int fast0/3
 switchport mode access
 spanning-tree portfast
 spanning-tree bpdufilter enable




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