[c-nsp] 6PE FIB usage on 6500/7600

Phil Mayers p.mayers at imperial.ac.uk
Thu Jan 2 04:51:50 EST 2014

On 02/01/14 08:29, Steve Glendinning wrote:

> Is this right?  It seems very wasteful, given that in the IPv4 world I only
> have labels for my IGP routes and everything else is happy being sent
> towards their favourite default route with just a "loopback" label on it.

Sure, but that's labelled v4. 6PE is not just a straight translation of 
the same concepts because the labels are advertised in BGP to permit a 
v6-free, MPLS-only core.

> Some of the Cisco documentation mentions an "aggregate" IPv6 label, which
> would make more sense.  Is this available on 7600/6500?

I believe so, though I can't remember the command off the top of my 
head. However, be aware that aggregate labels require recirculation, so 
halve your max PPS IIRC? Bit hazy on that last bit.

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