[c-nsp] Netflow

Dale W. Carder dwcarder at wisc.edu
Fri Jul 18 12:34:05 EDT 2014

Thus spake Peter Rathlev (peter at rathlev.dk) on Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 01:54:26PM +0200:
> (Readded cisco-nsp since I'm not familiar with ASR9k)
> On Fri, 2014-07-18 at 16:09 +0530, thiyagarajan b wrote:
> > Hello Peter, I need to export IPv6 flows in ASR9001 v4.3.4, Already
> > IPv4 flows are being exported. Is it possible to configure record IPv6
> > in the same monitor map along with IPv4.

Here's a working example from an ASR9k:


flow exporter-map FEM-Border-1
 version v9
  options interface-table timeout 150
  options sampler-table timeout 150
  template timeout 150
  template data timeout 150
  template options timeout 150
 transport udp 6666
 source Loopback0
flow monitor-map FMM-v4-Border-1
 record ipv4 peer-as
 exporter FEM-Border-1
 cache entries 1000000
 cache timeout active 60
flow monitor-map FMM-v6-Border-1
 record ipv6 peer-as
 exporter FEM-Border-1
 cache entries 1000000
 cache timeout active 60
sampler-map SM-1k
 random 1 out-of 1000

interface HundredGigE0/0/0/1
 flow ipv4 monitor FMM-v4-Border-1 sampler SM-1k ingress
 flow ipv4 monitor FMM-v4-Border-1 sampler SM-1k egress
 flow ipv6 monitor FMM-v6-Border-1 sampler SM-1k ingress
 flow ipv6 monitor FMM-v6-Border-1 sampler SM-1k egress

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