[c-nsp] vlan bridge domain pw configuration

Eduard Andrés Osorio Vinasco eaosorio at mediacommerce.net.co
Fri May 16 18:32:02 EDT 2014


I have a layer 2 network integrated with an ASR 9006. To pass the 
services, I have created a Bridge group with bridge domains per vlan 
like this:

  pw-class PW-TMP
   encapsulation mpls
  pw-class MP-L2VPN
   encapsulation mpls
    transport-mode vlan passthrough
  pw-class ethl2vpn
   encapsulation mpls
    protocol ldp
    transport-mode ethernet
  pw-class vlanl2vpn
   encapsulation mpls
    transport-mode vlan
*bridge group vpls**
** ! **
** bridge group BG_MST_EJE**
**  bridge-domain BD_MST-VLAN-7**
****interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2.7 *
*   interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/3.7**
    vfi PruebaPseudowire**
**    neighbor pw-id 229**
**    !*

I transport in layer 2 that vlan 7 between those interfaces giga so that 
it can have a redundancy.

In that Pseodowire I transport that service through my mpls core to 
other ASR 9006, where I bridge a similar configuration to go to other 
layer 2 network.
I want to make a QnQ with those vlans, *so that I can use only one 
pseudowire* to transport 100 or 1000 vlans encapsulated with one tag 
re-written with a push options in the bridge domain. The problem is that 
I don't know how to associate that "tag re-written" to a unique pseudowire.

May anybody give me a hand?

Thanks a lot.

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