[c-nsp] general rules in IOS from which file-systems to other one can copy files

Martin T m4rtntns at gmail.com
Wed Oct 1 07:17:10 EDT 2014


On Cisco 4500 platform, I'm not able to copy from "system:" to
"nvram:" file-system:

WS-C4506#dir nvram:
Directory of nvram:/

  404  -rw-        1990                    <no date>  startup-config
  405  ----           5                    <no date>  private-config
  406  -rw-        1990                    <no date>  underlying-config
    1  ----           0                    <no date>  rf_cold_starts
    2  ----         102                    <no date>  persistent-data
    3  -rw-           0                    <no date>  ifIndex-table

413676 bytes total (408557 bytes free)
WS-C4506#copy running-config nvram:/blah
Destination filename [blah]?
%Error copying nvram:/blah (Invalid argument)
WS-C4506#copy system:/running-config nvram:
Destination filename [ws-c4506-confg]?
%Error copying nvram:ws-c4506-confg (Invalid argument)

On the other hand, copying from "bootflash:" or "crashinfo:" to
"nvram:" works fine.

Are there some general rules in IOS from which file-systems to other
one can copy files? Or is this something platform and IOS


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