[c-nsp] Nightmare for load balancing of L2VPN traffic on CRS (traffic from ME3600)

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Sun Apr 12 10:29:36 EDT 2015

On 9/Apr/15 09:31, Adam Vitkovsky wrote:
> Hi Darren,
> Been in the same shituation though I'm not familiar with CRS MPLS hashing algo I guess it also looks at the next header field after the bottom of the stack label and if it won't find 0x4 or 0x6 (hopefully in case of L2VPNs) it won't do src/dst IP address hash so for L2VPNs the hashing is done solely based on the VC label which is a bummer. 
> And yes I've been asking for FAT-PW on MEs some time ago and there's no will at all... 
> In our case we carried a bulk of VLANs in the high bandwidth PWs so we broke them into ever smaller PWs and that kind of helped to balance the traffic a little better. 
> Otherwise without FAT-PW I guess the only option is to get MPLS-TE involved then you can tell which PW should use which TE tunnel thus balance the traffic "evenly" across the backbone. 

This thread is timely, as I was looking at FAT (RFC 6391) just last week.

So implementation in IOS and IOS XE seems cumbersome, i.e., there is
some kind of "interface pseudowire" thing that looks clumsy, and yet the
IOS XR implementation is more as one would expect.

At any rate, I see the code in the ME3600X software, but have no tried
it. Are folk saying the code is there but it doesn't execute?


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