[c-nsp] 2 x "new" ME3600's, 1 fails to reach one PE only in VRF's

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Mon Apr 20 05:39:20 EDT 2015

On 20/Apr/15 11:29, CiscoNSP List wrote:
> Thanks Adam - 
> No, MPLS ping to that problem PE looks to fail from ME02, it responds with "QQQQQ" (ie. request not sent)
> ME01, it times out? "...."
> sh mpls forwarding-table on ME02 shows "No Label" and it is not in the list on ME01?
> mpls is definitely enabled on the interfaces (The ME's are directly connected, the problem PE is 4 hops away)...there are multiple other VRF's on the problem PE that are working fine, and I can create vrf's on the 2 ME's, and they can reach each other.
> sh ip cef, ME01 looks "ok", but ME02 does not (i.e. no label?)...and it also mentions "local label info: global/20625"?....ME01 does not?

What happens if you "clear ip route *"? Almost similar to rebooting,
i.e., you will drop traffic.


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