[c-nsp] ASR920 Service Instance - when to 'rewrite ingress'

Lukas Tribus luky-37 at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 19 09:21:39 EDT 2015

> interface GigabitEthernet0/0/6
> mtu 9216
> no ip address
> load-interval 30
> negotiation auto !
> service instance 243 ethernet
> description SI243
>  encapsulation dot1q 243
>  bridge-domain 243

Here you need indeed to pop 1 tag, otherwise on the backplane you will
have 2 times the 243 tag. The "encapsulation dot1q" config in an
EVC doesn't (ever) pop the tag, and a "bridge-domain" config does
always assign the frame to a bridge-domain (implying that it pushes
a tag).

So yes, you need to pop the tag in both EFPs.



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