[c-nsp] asr1001x nat logging

dmitry at zhigulinet.ru dmitry at zhigulinet.ru
Thu Dec 10 03:06:01 EST 2015

Hello, Cisco-nsp..

On my cisco asr1001x not work nat logging.
What could be the problem?
Netflow v5 work.
I do not see traffic on collector with tcpdump.
I tryning soft:
System image file is "bootflash:/asr1001x-universalk9.03.12.01.S.154-2.S1-std.SPA.bin"
System image file is "bootflash:/asr1001x-universalk9.03.15.00.S.155-2.S-std.SPA.bin"

interface TenGigabitEthernet0/0/0
 description Downlink-to-X670
 ip address
 no ip redirects
 no ip unreachables
 ip nat inside
 ip flow monitor flow_v5 input
 ip flow monitor flow_v5 output
 service-policy type control CTRL-IPOE
 ip subscriber routed
  initiator unclassified ip-address

ip nat settings mode cgn
no ip nat settings support mapping outside
ip nat settings pap limit 60 
ip nat log translations flow-export v9 udp destination 9995 source TenGigabitEthernet0/0/0
ip nat log translations flow-export v9 vrf 0 on
ip nat translation timeout 300
ip nat translation tcp-timeout 1800
ip nat translation pptp-timeout 1800
ip nat translation udp-timeout 60
ip nat translation finrst-timeout 10
ip nat translation syn-timeout 10
ip nat translation dns-timeout 10
ip nat translation icmp-timeout 10
ip nat translation port-timeout tcp 80 360
ip nat translation port-timeout tcp 8080 360
ip nat translation port-timeout tcp 1600 180
ip nat translation port-timeout tcp 110 180
ip nat translation port-timeout tcp 25 180
ip nat translation max-entries all-host 2000
ip nat pool NAT_POOL_18.19.142 netmask
ip nat inside source list ACL_NAT_18.19.142 pool NAT_POOL_18.19.142 overload

flow exporter carbon4_v5
 transport udp 9996
 export-protocol netflow-v5
flow monitor flow_v5
 exporter carbon4_v5
 cache timeout inactive 10
 cache timeout active 1000
 record netflow-original

С уважением,
 Dmitry                          mailto:dmitry at zhigulinet.ru

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