[c-nsp] ME3600 iBGP to RR

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Fri Mar 6 11:00:01 EST 2015

On 6/Mar/15 16:24, Aaron wrote:
> After I read this...
> "Because how I would use this is just to get the full table to the customer
> hanging off of the ME."
> ...i started wondering if CSC (carrier supporting carrier) for Customer
> Carrier (ISP type) would help here?
> I recently tested CSC and look at it for the first time in my lab.  I
> understand that CSC for Customer Carrier ISP will allow a customer ce to
> hang off a backbone carrier pe and the customer carrier can learn all the
> bgp routes it wants to from a distant side customer carrier ce, AND the
> backbone carrier pe's do not learn those bgp routes.  So your PE's save
> memory and table space.
> I'm not sure if this is what you are able to do or looking to do, but
> started to wonder if csc could help.

I generally try to avoid complex topologies where possible. CsC in this
case, or eBGP Multi-Hop add complexity.

BGP-SD in on the ME3600X to give customers a full BGP table is simple
and native.


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