[c-nsp] 10Gb+ "Core" w/ Netflow

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Sat Mar 14 02:03:50 EDT 2015

On 14/Mar/15 07:23, Jeremy Bresley wrote:
> The one pain point I still have with them is software upgrades. If 
> you're used to downloading an image from CCO, copying it to the 
> router, changing a boot statement and typing reload, the XR way of 
> doing things will be a MAJOR education.

Cisco promised this would be easier with IOS XR 5, but obviously not.

> Overall, I've been pleased with the ASR9001s, they've been a very 
> solid box that hasn't required us to do much with them other than let 
> them sit and quietly move a lot of traffic for us.  If you have any 
> specific questions about them, post to the list, these kinds of 
> discussions are helpful to everybody.

We use them for peering as well - no major complaints.

My only issue has been when Cisco will release an ASR9001 based on an 
x86 CPU. The current models are Freescale P4040 systems, so a little 
quicker than the MX80's CPU.


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