[c-nsp] ASR902 vs ME3800X

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Fri Mar 20 01:37:52 EDT 2015

On 19/Mar/15 15:25, Adam Vitkovsky wrote:
> Amen to that.
> I was looking at juniper MX104 as an alternative to ASR903 as there 
> are no stupid route scale restrictions and according to some posts you 
> can fit 890K paths and 500K prefixes in it just fine.
> However it only has one RP.
> And rLFA is pretty recent feature in Junos (read nod recommended by 
> Juniper for production rollout).
> So I guess I’m once again 2 years ahead of the HW with my requirements.

The MX104 is a dual-RE box, unless I misunderstand you. The only issue 
is they are PPC CPU's for now, but there's two in there.

We are running rLFA (LDP) on Junos (14.2), and it works well.


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