[c-nsp] ME3800X/ME3600X/ME3600X-24CX/ASR903/ASR901 Deployment Simplification Feedback

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Tue Nov 17 06:05:19 EST 2015

On 17/Nov/15 13:00, Tom Marcoen wrote:

> Mark
> That is a valid point but the company I work for already only uses Cisco for its routing/switching devices. So it's also a non-issue.

Fair enough, then.

The other point, for me, is making sure easy ring topologies you would
build on the ME3600X/ASR920 using IP/MPLS can be replicated using
satellites. There will be a temptation not to build satellites as
point-to-point, but rather, as rings, and you don't want to find
yourself caught out.

Make sure you test and verify your ultimate Access topology before you
buy, as satellites do not typically run IP/MPLS.


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