[c-nsp] SITE-2-SITE GRE Tunnel Problem with 7600 in Core Network

Ted Johansson ted.johansson at tele2.com
Mon Dec 12 03:36:29 EST 2016

Hi Shoaib,

Have you tried enabling "mls mpls tunnel-recir" in your 7600?

Best Regards

-----Original Message-----
From: cisco-nsp [mailto:cisco-nsp-bounces at puck.nether.net] On Behalf Of Shoaib Farhan
Sent: den 12 december 2016 04:36
To: cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net
Subject: [c-nsp] SITE-2-SITE GRE Tunnel Problem with 7600 in Core Network


We are having a strange issue after deploying 7604 Router in our Network.
When we connect our customer to 7604 Router theirGRE tunnel never got up.
But if we use 7200 router then it is working fine. Here is topology diagram:


Problem is at PE1-ROUTER where 7604 is in use. Tunnel showing UP/Down at
CE1 and UP/UP at CE2.

sh module
Mod Ports Card Type                              Model              Serial
--- ----- -------------------------------------- ------------------
  1    5  Route Switch Processor 720 10GE (Activ RSP720-3CXL-10GE
  2   11  7600 ES+                               76-ES+XC-20G3CXL

Mod MAC addresses                       Hw   Fw            Sw
--- ---------------------------------- ----- ------------- ------------
  1  68ef.bdd3.5e20 to 68ef.bdd3.5e27  1.0   12.2(33r)SRD  15.3(3)S     Ok
  2  0024.f94f.1530 to 0024.f94f.154f  1.3   12.2(33r)SRE  15.3(3)S     Ok

Mod  Sub-Module                  Model              Serial       Hw
---- --------------------------- ------------------ ----------- -------
  1  Policy Feature Card 3       7600-PFC3CXL-10GE  JAE144906SY  1.2    Ok
  1  C7600 MSFC4 Daughterboard   7600-MSFC4         JAE14450XVI  2.2    Ok
  2  7600 ES+ DFC XL             7600-ES+3CXL       JAE131885KB  1.1    Ok
  2  ES+ 1xTGE XFP 10xGE SFP     7600-ES+20C        JAE1343LYS4  1.0    Ok

Mod  Online Diag Status
---- -------------------
  1  Pass
  2  Pass

sh version
Cisco IOS Software, c7600rsp72043_rp Software (c7600rsp72043_rp-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 15.3(3)S6, RELEASE SOFTWARE
Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport Copyright (c) 1986-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 30-Jul-15 22:35 by prod_rel_team

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(33r)SRD6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
BOOTLDR: Cisco IOS Software, c7600rsp72043_rp Software (c7600rsp72043_rp-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 15.3(3)S6, RELEASE SOFTWARE

DHANMONDI-RTR uptime is 1 week, 6 days, 19 hours, 22 minutes Uptime for this control processor is 1 week, 6 days, 19 hours, 22 minutes System returned to ROM by  power cycle (SP by power on) System restarted at 13:55:49 BDT Mon Nov 28 2016 System image file is "sup-bootdisk:c7600rsp72043-advipservicesk9-mz.153-3.S6.bin"
Last reload type: Normal Reload
Last reload reason: power-on

This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.

A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found

If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to export at cisco.com.

Cisco CISCO7604 (M8500) processor (revision 2.0) with 1900544K/131072K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID FOX11270UFX
 CPU: MPC8548_E, Version: 2.1, (0x80390021)
 CORE: E500, Version: 2.2, (0x80210022)
 CPU:1200MHz, CCB:400MHz, DDR:200MHz,
 L1:    D-cache 32 kB enabled
        I-cache 32 kB enabled

Last reset from power-on
1 Virtual Ethernet interface
13 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
3 Ten Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
3964K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.

507024K bytes of Internal ATA PCMCIA card (Sector size 512 bytes).
Configuration register is 0x2102

*Debug Output at CE1 with 7604*

*Dec 11 12:10:57.535: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to classify> (len=74 type=0x800 ttl=252 tos=0x0)*Dec 11
12:10:57.535: Tunnel1: GRE/IP encapsulated> (linktype=7, len=74)*Dec 11 12:10:57.547: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to classify> (len=74 type=0x800 ttl=252 tos=0x0)*Dec 11
12:10:57.547: Tunnel1: GRE/IP encapsulated> (linktype=7, len=74)*Dec 11 12:10:58.231: Tunnel1: sending keepalive,> (len=24 ttl=255), counter=6*Dec 11
12:10:58.231: Tunnel1: GRE/IP encapsulated> (linktype=7, len=48)*Dec 11 12:10:58.539: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to classify> (len=74 type=0x800 ttl=252 tos=0x0)*Dec 11
12:10:58.539: Tunnel1: GRE/IP encapsulated> (linktype=7, len=74)*Dec 11 12:10:58.551: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to classify> (len=74 type=0x800 ttl=252 tos=0x0)*Dec 11
12:10:59.231: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel1, changed state to down*Dec 11 12:10:59.539: Tunnel1: GRE/IP classify> failed, tunnel down*Dec 11 12:10:59.539:
Tunnel1: GRE/IP to decaps> (len=74 ttl=252)*Dec
11 12:10:59.567: Tunnel1: GRE/IP classify> failed, tunnel down*Dec 11 12:10:59.567: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to decaps> (len=74 ttl=252)*Dec 11 12:11:00.555: Tunnel1:
GRE/IP classify> failed, tunnel down*Dec 11
12:11:00.555: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to decaps>
(len=74 ttl=252)*Dec 11 12:11:00.587: Tunnel1: GRE/IP classify> failed, tunnel down*Dec 11 12:11:00.587:
Tunnel1: GRE/IP to decaps> (len=74 ttl=252)*Dec
11 12:11:01.575: Tunnel1: GRE/IP classify> failed, tunnel down*Dec 11 12:11:01.575: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to decaps> (len=74 ttl=252)*Dec 11 12:11:01.607: Tunnel1:
GRE/IP classify> failed, tunnel down*Dec 11
12:11:01.607: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to decaps>
(len=74 ttl=252)*

*Debug Output at CE1 with 7200*

**Dec 11 12:08:04.231: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Tunnel1, changed state to up*Dec 11 12:08:05.051: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to classify> (len=74 type=0x800 ttl=250 tos=0x0)*Dec 11 12:08:05.051: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to classify> (len=74 type=0x800 ttl=250 tos=0x0)*Dec 11
12:08:05.051: Tunnel1: GRE/IP encapsulated> (linktype=7, len=74)*Dec 11 12:08:06.059: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to classify> (len=74 type=0x800 ttl=250 tos=0x0)*Dec 11
12:08:06.059: Tunnel1: GRE/IP encapsulated> (linktype=7, len=74)*Dec 11 12:08:06.079: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to classify> (len=74 type=0x800 ttl=250 tos=0x0)*Dec 11
12:08:06.079: Tunnel1: GRE/IP encapsulated> (linktype=7, len=74)*Dec 11 12:08:07.059: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to classify> (len=74 type=0x800 ttl=250 tos=0x0)*Dec 11
12:08:07.059: Tunnel1: GRE/IP encapsulated> (linktype=7, len=74)*Dec 11 12:08:07.079: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to classify> (len=74 type=0x800 ttl=250 tos=0x0)*Dec 11
12:08:07.079: Tunnel1: GRE/IP encapsulated> (linktype=7, len=74)*Dec 11 12:08:08.059: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to classify> (len=74 type=0x800 ttl=250 tos=0x0)*Dec 11
12:08:08.059: Tunnel1: GRE/IP encapsulated> (linktype=7, len=74)*Dec 11 12:08:08.079: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to classify> (len=74 type=0x800 ttl=250 tos=0x0)*Dec 11
12:08:08.079: Tunnel1: GRE/IP encapsulated> (linktype=7, len=74)*Dec 11 12:08:08.231: Tunnel1: sending keepalive,> (len=24 ttl=255), counter=1*Dec 11
12:08:08.231: Tunnel1: GRE/IP encapsulated> (linktype=7, len=48)*Dec 11 12:08:08.231: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to decaps> (len=24 ttl=249)*Dec 11 12:08:08.231: Tunnel1:
keepalive received,> (len=24 ttl=249), resetting counter*Dec 11 12:08:09.067: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to classify> (len=74 type=0x800 ttl=250 tos=0x0)*Dec 11
12:08:09.067: Tunnel1: GRE/IP encapsulated> (linktype=7, len=74)*Dec 11 12:08:09.079: Tunnel1: GRE/IP to classify> (len=74 type=0x800 ttl=250 tos=0x0)*Dec 11
12:08:09.079: Tunnel1: GRE/IP encapsulated> (linktype=7, len=74)*

We use this two command in 7604 but no luck.

mls rate-limit all ttl-failure 70000 150 mls rate-limit all mtu-failure 50000 150

sh mls rate-limit usage
                             Rate Limiter Type     Packets/s   Burst
                           ---------------------   ---------   -----
Layer3 Rate Limiters:
             RL# 0: Free                       -           -       -
             RL# 1: Free                       -           -       -
             RL# 2: Free                       -           -       -
             RL# 3: Used
                                     MTU FAILURE       50000     150
             RL# 4: Used
                                     TTL FAILURE       70000     150
             RL# 5: Used
                                  IP RPF FAILURE         100      10
                           ICMP UNREAC. NO-ROUTE         100      10
                           ICMP UNREAC. ACL-DROP         100      10
                                       IP ERRORS         100      10
             RL# 6: Used
                                    ACL VACL LOG        2000       1
             RL# 7: Used
                                  MCAST DFLT ADJ      100000     100
             RL# 8: Rsvd for capture           -           -       -

Layer2 Rate Limiters:
             RL# 9: Reserved
             RL#10: Reserved
             RL#11: Free                       -           -       -
             RL#12: Free                       -           -       -

sh mls statistics

Statistics for Earl in Module 1

L2 Forwarding Engine
  Total packets Switched                : 14636946657

L3 Forwarding Engine
  Total packets Processed               : 6640024385 @ 1691 pps
  Total packets L3 Switched             : 3097388219 @ 1463 pps

  Total Packets Bridged                 : 3402523472
  Total Packets FIB Switched            : 3097388219
  Total Packets ACL Routed              : 0
  Total Packets Netflow Switched        : 0
  Total Mcast Packets Switched/Routed   : 105330584
  Total ip packets with TOS changed     : 2
  Total ip packets with COS changed     : 2
  Total non ip packets COS changed      : 0
  Total packets dropped by ACL          : 2
  Total packets dropped by Policing     : 0
  Total packets exceeding CIR           : 0
  Total packets exceeding PIR           : 0

  MAC/IP length inconsistencies         : 0
  Short IP packets received             : 0
  IP header checksum errors             : 0
  No-route packet drops                 : 5601100
  TTL failures                          : 103801
  MTU failures                          : 0

Statistics for Earl in Module 2

L2 Forwarding Engine
  Total packets Switched                : 58230404626

L3 Forwarding Engine
  Total packets Processed               : 52957685770 @ 48401 pps
  Total packets L3 Switched             : 46315161966 @ 45363 pps

  Total Packets Bridged                 : 3565174847
  Total Packets FIB Switched            : 46114733327
  Total Packets ACL Routed              : 200428638
  Total Packets Netflow Switched        : 1
  Total Mcast Packets Switched/Routed   : 320855999
  Total ip packets with TOS changed     : 0
  Total ip packets with COS changed     : 0
  Total non ip packets COS changed      : 0
  Total packets dropped by ACL          : 3348174
  Total packets dropped by Policing     : 0
  Total packets exceeding CIR           : 0
  Total packets exceeding PIR           : 0

  MAC/IP length inconsistencies         : 434
  Short IP packets received             : 0
  IP header checksum errors             : 272
  No-route packet drops                 : 144096606
  TTL failures                          : 10553306
  MTU failures                          : 6462854

Total packets L3 Processed by all Modules: 59597710155 @ 50092 pps Any help would be appreciated.



Md. Shoaib Farhan
cisco-nsp mailing list  cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net https://puck.nether.net/mailman/listinfo/cisco-nsp
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