[c-nsp] Cisco ASR 9k transporting QinQ traffic

David Wilkinson cisco-nsp at noroutetohost.net
Thu Jul 14 07:09:24 EDT 2016


We are in the process of migrating some of our links over to Cisco ASR 
9006, they are running IOS XR 5.3.3.

Normal vlan tagged dot1q traffic seems be working fine, apart from some 
STP fun when pseudowire comes back up and STP doesn't know about the 
topology changing and both paths are forwarding for a short time. I 
don't think there is away around this as the ASR just passes on the STP 
traffic and doesn't take part STP.

QinQ traffic doesn't seem to be going via ASR correctly and just disappears.

It is currently setup like this, The customer port plugs in a Cisco 4948 
and the port is configured as a dot1q-tunnel. the port from the 4948 to 
ASR is configured as a trunk port and the same in reverse to the 
customer's other port.

Customer -> Cisco 4948 -> Cisco ASR 9k -> Cisco 4948 -> Customer

On the ASR I am picking up the QinQ vlan on sub interfaces, adding it to 
a bridge domain.
Below is the configuration I am using

---- ASR ----

interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/17.427 l2transport
  encapsulation dot1ad 427
  l2protocol cpsv tunnel

interface Bundle-Ether2.427 l2transport
  encapsulation dot1ad 427
  l2protocol cpsv tunnel

  bridge group cust-a
   bridge-domain cust-a-qinq
    interface Bundle-Ether2.427
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/17.427

--- 4948 ---

interface GigabitEthernet1/1
  switchport access vlan 427
  switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
  l2protocol-tunnel cdp
  l2protocol-tunnel stp
  l2protocol-tunnel vtp

interface GigabitEthernet1/48
  switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
  switchport trunk allowed vlan 155,203,204,427,428
  switchport mode trunk

On the ASR if I change the encapsulation from dot1ad 427 to dot1q 427, 
then STP blocks with an inconsistent peer vlan message.

%SPANTREE-2-RECV_PVID_ERR: Received BPDU with inconsistent peer vlan id 
1 on GigabitEthernet1/48 VLAN427.
%SPANTREE-2-BLOCK_PVID_LOCAL: Blocking GigabitEthernet1/48 on VLAN0427. 
Inconsistent local vlan.

Can any one point me in the right direction and let me know what I have 
done wrong, I am assuming it something on the ASR configuration as QinQs 
between the 4948s taking another path without the ASR in the middle work 



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