[c-nsp] quick asr1000 memory question

Mike mike-cisconsplist at tiedyenetworks.com
Wed Mar 23 08:05:18 EDT 2016


     Can anyone quickly tell me what I am looking at here - does this 
mean I have 16gb of ram on this box?

cisco ASR1002 (2RU) processor with 1669735K/6147K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID xyzzy
4 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
1 Ten Gigabit Ethernet interface
32768K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
4194304K bytes of physical memory.
7757823K bytes of eUSB flash at bootflash:.

     I'm beginning to think about adding another transit provider and 
taking full routes if possible, or a subset if not, and so thats what I 
am concerned with.

Thank you.

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