[c-nsp] ASR920 vs ASR1001-x

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Tue May 17 07:13:02 EDT 2016

On 17/May/16 13:06, Saku Ytti wrote:

> I will interpret this as in-forwarding-path and out-of-forwarding-path
> reflection. When out-of-forwarding-path reflection your selection of
> best route typically will be negatively impacted unless you run ORR
> (optimal route reflection), which is just becoming available from
> various vendors.
> You may want to figure out if ORR works correctly in conjunction of
> add-path, so that you might be able to reflect best path, and 2nd best
> path for rapid convergence during failure.

I posit that if you can deploy RR's on a VM, you can deploy them at all
(major) PoP's if BGP-ORR is not yet available in code.


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