OT: CCO - clusterf*** or dumpster fire?

Charles Sprickman spork at bway.net
Fri Sep 30 15:15:51 EDT 2016

I have no words for the idiocy I’m encountering with just trying to download software.  I suspect that I could probably accomplish this with less effort by calling in and using the “security flaw” exception.

I’m a small customer, I don’t ask much, I pay what seems like a ton of money for software access and hardware replacement.  I’m old enough that Iearned on 10.3 and remember downloading IOS without even touching the web interface.  I understand they need to lock things down hard so that the resale market makes them money, but using my 4-figure contract should be easier.

Make sense of this screenshot…  http://i.imgur.com/xVSR2ku.png



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