[c-nsp] ASR9000 SFP/XFP Input Error troubleshooting

Jared Mauch jared at puck.Nether.net
Tue Apr 4 12:19:32 EDT 2017

On Tue, Apr 04, 2017 at 10:44:52AM -0400, Curtis Piehler wrote:
> Thank you Jean but I am looking for more stats on Input Errors which is
> different than Total Drops.  None of these Input Errors seems to be service
> affecting so I'm wondering where they are from.

	I second the NP direction of research.

	Also, what type of optics, etc are involved?  There may be
additional diagnostic data you can extract from the XFPs to determine
what is going on based on the INF-8077 type data in the EEPROM.

	- Jared

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from jared at puck.nether.net
clue++;      | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/  My statements are only mine.

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