Is there a cisco-equivalent of "loop n"(JunOS) as applicable to local-as

Randy randy_94108 at
Sat Mar 4 20:39:32 EST 2017

JunOs "no-prepend-global-as" is the Cisco equivalent of replace-as
JunOS "private" is the Cisco equivalent of no-prepend
JunOS  "alias" is the Cisco equivalent of Dual-AS
JunOS "loop n"; Cisco equivalent ???

My google-fu is failing me here.


RTR1 and RTR2 in AS64512 are iBGP peers and peer with RTR3 @ AS64514 using local-as 64513

In the absence of no-prepend in local-as config on RTR1 and RTR2, updates from RTR3 to RTR1 and 2 would have AS 64513 prepended to updates from R3.
R2 and R1 would receive ibgp updates from each other with AS64513(local-as) in the as_path - How would the Cisco-RTR1&2 handle these ibgp-updates from each other?

On JunOS the "loop n" in conjunction with local-as allows me to customize what I accept as applicable to local-as in received updates. Loop 1 would hide ibgp updates received with local-as in as-path; loop 2 would allow upto 1 local-as in as-path.



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