[c-nsp] Nexus OIDs

Lee ler762 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 14 14:02:39 EDT 2017

On 3/13/17, Paul Koch <paul.koch137 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Feb 2017 14:05:24 -0500
> Lee <ler762 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> ...
>> I can almost understand the people that insist on using OIDs instead
>> of names for polling, but not using names it makes it somewhere
>> between difficult & impossible to figure out from an snmpwalk which
>> mib variables one wants to look at.  The MIB files are here
>>   ftp://ftp.cisco.com/pub/mibs/v1/v1.tar.gz
>>   ftp://ftp.cisco.com/pub/mibs/v2/v2.tar.gz
> Yer, OID numbers are "only" meant to be used under the hood.  People should
> really be using MIB module/object names.  Here's a useful list of oid
> numbers/module/object names from our MIB parser/compile.  It contains 3838
> MIBs and 465009 objects.
>  https://www.akips.com/downloads/akips_mibs.txt.gz

Sweet!  I'd get the Cisco OID files
along with the v[12].tar.gz files and then create a master list:

$ cat create-oids-all.txt
delete everything in directory OIDs
unzip oid.tar.gz to OIDs
from a cygwin command prompt
  cd /cygdrive/c/ ..whatever.. /OIDs
  cat * | sort -k 2,2 -k 1 | uniq | awk '{printf("%-50s  %s\n", $1,
$2) }' >| ../oids_all.txt
  unix2dos ../oids_all.txt

Not as extensive as your list, but an exact match for the mibs I just


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