[c-nsp] spanning-tree for local switching on ASR920

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Thu Oct 19 04:38:56 EDT 2017

On 19/Oct/17 10:24, Gert Doering wrote:

> So, how do you bridge together two ports on an ASR1k, with STP? ;-)
> I do understand the bits about no global VLAN significance, etc., 
> and tieing bridge-groups to pseudowires, etc. - I just want the more
> basic stuff to be more explosion-robust when the customer plugs in
> things wrongly.  OTOH, the box is doing well, circulating 330.000 PPS
> in that STP loop, with barely any CPU load [these are IP/ARP broadcasts
> so the CPU is at risk of being told about them]...

Good question, couldn't possibly tell you that.

We typically don't support such topologies at Layer 2 in our network due
to the very problem you describe. We'd run both ports independently for
the same customer, as for such use-cases, they are either looking for
redundancy or additional bandwidth; or both.

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