[c-nsp] Cisco ASR99xx 64-bit upgrade 6.3.1 to 6.3.2

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Thu Apr 12 11:55:13 EDT 2018

Well this is an avenue of pleasure :-\...

If it wasn't convoluted enough to upgrade IOS XR as it is, I guess Cisco
made it even more joyous for us now.


On 12/Apr/18 17:40, James Jun wrote:
> Hi Erik,
> What we do to make upgrade easier is to create a Golden ISO (GISO) using gisobuild.py tool Cisco
> provides, on a separate Linux box (off-router).
> You download the asr9k-mini-x64-<version>.iso and you also need to download the 64-bit tar file
> which contains the RPM packages.  Unpack the tar and place the desired RPM packages you want
> (e.g. isis, mpls, etc, etc), and place your router config file into your Linux box and run the
> command like this:
>   $ ./gisobuild.py -i asr9k-mini-x64-6.3.2.iso -r rpm/ -c your_router_config.cfg
>   (make sure you place your desired RPMs into the rpm/ folder)
> It'll then spit out the packaged ISO -- ftp that over to your router and simply run:
>   RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:router#install update source harddisk: <name of your golden iso file-x64.iso-6.1.3>
> With 64-bit eXR, PIE packages are now replaced by Linux RPMs.  Golden ISO allows you to build
> your own custom ISO that pre-packages the RPMs you want, and your router's config file.  Then you
> just run a single upgrade command + reboot process that'll wholesale load your desired packages
> and config in one go.  I guess it does make things easier compared to 32-bit cXR days.
> Documentation on the process and where to find gisobuild.py is here:
> https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/iosxr/asr9000/flex-packaging/b-flexible-packaging-configuration-guide-asr9000/b-flexible-packaging-configuration-guide-asr9000_chapter_011.pdf
> If you are migrating from 32-bit XR to 64-bit, then you need to use the '-m' switch to create
> migrate_to_eXR ISO.  You will use the migrate_to_eXR script on your router to perform the upgrade
> from cXR.
> Note that if you are running one of the new 10G/1G line cards -- Powerglide; A9K-(24|48)x10GE-1G-(TR|SE) 
> you need to make sure you have the absolute latest FPD from 32-bit cXR before you go to 64-bit eXR. 
> Otherwise, you may find that Powerglide LC remains in SW_INACTIVE and won't even boot to permit fpd
> upgrades after the 64-bit migration.
> HTH,
> James
> On Wed, Apr 11, 2018 at 02:23:02AM +0000, Erik Sundberg wrote:
>> Anyone have the procedure for upgrade ios xr 64-bit  from 6.3.1 to 6.3.2 on a ASR99xx router?
>> Its a little differnent than upgrading a 32-bit ars9k
>> Also the a9k-mini file is an iso not a pie file.
>> Thanks
>> Erik
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