[c-nsp] Leaked Video or Not (Linux and Cisco for internal Sales folks)

Saku Ytti saku at ytti.fi
Fri Jun 22 05:13:49 EDT 2018

Hey James,

> https://netfpga.org/site/#/
> +
> https://github.com/p4fpga/p4fpga
> Open source hardware and a P4 target to drive it!

Cool stuff, thanks. Didn't look closely, why do they say research and

> [1] Right now FGPA NICs + low end CPU are still mega expensive versus
> a standard Ethernet NIC + DPDK + high end CPU. However I do think it
> is worth getting on the front foot with these technologies, Juniper
> have started to support P4 which again, I convince anyone at $dayjob
> to look into.

XEON and BRCM aren't really significantly different in BOM, and BRCM
has orders of magnitude more pps. I'm not saying there is no use-case
for XEON, what I am saying, if you need significant PPS XEON is very
Use-cases I see for XEON forwarding-plane is when you need to do
something that BRCM and friends simply cannot do, some b it more
exotic use-cases, then it quickly becomes extremely viable solution.
And of course if you already have compute which you cannot use for
anything revenue generating or when your business unit can budget
compute easily, but not networking. Or when CAPEX simply doesn't
matter (mostly it doesn't, if you're looking whole company bottom
line) and from OPEX POV it's just simpler for you to work with XEON


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