[c-nsp] line con 0 as terminal server on Cat6500?

Patrick M. Hausen hausen at punkt.de
Fri May 18 02:55:53 EDT 2018

Hi all,

last weekend one switch in our VSS pair failed. Redundancy/VSS
did work and we kept our connectivity besides a couple of hosts
that only have a single uplink and were connected to that particular

When I came to the data centre I found the failed chassis in rommon.
A simple "boot" command restored everything to working order.

Now to spare me that drive in case that happens again - is it possible
to use the console port of a working Catalyst 6500 to act as a terminal
server for the other one? We have quite a lot of spare rollover cables ;-)

I found these instructions but I think I'm missing something:

ip host other 2000

Core2#telnet 2000
Trying, 2000 ... 
% Connection refused by remote host

I used the real IP address of looppback0, of course.

Side note/question: any idea what could cause a Cat6500 VS-S720-10G
to fail, reset (I can understand *that*) and then not boot into IOS and stay
in rommon?

Standby BOOT variable = sup-bootdisk:s72033-adventerprisek9_wan-mz.122-33.SXJ10.bin,1;disk0:s72033-adventerprisek9_wan-mz.122-33.SXJ10.bin,1;
Standby Configuration register is 0x2102 

Core2#dir slavesup-bootdisk:

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