[c-nsp] Idiot checking LC compatibility across different 7600 chassis.

Tom Hill tom at ninjabadger.net
Fri Sep 28 10:08:22 EDT 2018

On 28/09/18 14:57, Jason Lixfeld wrote:
> To that end, I’ve got a bunch of WS-X6148A-GE-45AF cards and a pair of SUP720-3BXLs in a 7606 chassis (PID: CISCO7606) and it works fine despite the WS-X6148A-GE-45AF data sheet making no reference to 7600 support, only 6500 support.
> I need to forklift the 7606 for a 7613 (which is already equipped with a FAN2 and a pair of PWR-6000-DC PSUs).
> Should all just work, ya?

Most likely, yes. Though the 6148s are 'classic bus' cards, which do not
use the chassis fabric. They're hideous and slow down the whole router,
due to taking up bandwidth on the classic bus that is also used for
lookup signalling between CFCs and the supervisor (no use of classic bus
cards, and the use of DFCs, is required to overcome those limitations).

If you're intending to add more, please add 6548s as a minimum. Better
yet, please put all of your 7600 gear into the sea and use more
power-efficient devices. :)



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