[c-nsp] RPKI extended-community RFC8097

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.mu
Sat Apr 18 21:00:37 EDT 2020

On 18/Apr/20 14:44, Ben Maddison via cisco-nsp wrote:
> Going back to the OP's question, though: we (AS37271) use 8097.
> Not because I think that it's a particularly sensible design (I don't),
> but because we have IOS-XE bgp-speakers, and you can't do ROV on XE or
> Classic without it. At least, if you want routing to work ;-)

Yes, Ben's situation is just about the only reason it would be worth
considering conveying RPKI state in BGP communities.

On our end, we just disabled RPKI on IOS XE platforms. Fair point, it's
only about 4 running BGP with customers. Going through the hassle with
Cisco to fix this rather than work magic on them was easier for us,
since the majority of our transit edge is on Junos :-).


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