[c-nsp] Local DNS cluster behavior

张建 ying-xiang at 163.com
Sat Dec 5 23:11:34 EST 2020

Hi all,

I would like to talk about a Local DNS Server question.Nowdays,The Most ISP providers deploy Local DNS Server by using DNS Server cluster.right?
for the Local DNS Server,The ISP only needs to provide one public IP address for the customers on the internet.but actually there are a lot of servers in this group sharing the same records with it.
for example,the first time when I tried to send a DNS query to the Local DNS Server public IP,It will be redirecting the query to a Server(let's say the Server A) in this group by some algorithm.(maybe at least connections/weight or hash method,not the question we really consider).according to this logic,My second DNS query is probably redirected to another Server B also in the same group.

Here is my question,Currently we are in the IPv4 and IPv6 transition period,any client we are using is DUAL IPv4/IPv6 configured.
Based on the logic above we talked.Is it possible that the first time DNS query sent out by Local DNS Server A using IPv4 to the authority Server,but somehow the second time query by Server B turned out IPv6 query instead of IPv4?


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