[c-nsp] ASR920: egress ACL on BDIs

Nathan Lannine nathan.lannine at gmail.com
Tue Jan 28 10:26:23 EST 2020

> Do you happen to have a bug reference for this? We’ve been seeing this
> behaviour intermittently on some csr 1ks and haven’t had the time/energy to
> debate it with TAC yet.

Sorry, just saw this.

https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCuw19907 . That's for the
Catalyst 4500x, which is just a 4500 Sup7L and has its own set of limiting
problems for us.  We were on 15.2(4)E6 and were advised to update to
15.2(4)E8.  After the update we still saw a subset of the problem.  You'll
see that bug specifically references the use of the "log" keyword on an
ACE, which was true to our config.  I would doubt a relationship between
our experience and yours because of the significant difference in the

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