[c-nsp] Somewhat quirky question regarding C6513

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.com
Thu Jul 9 10:54:51 EDT 2020

On 9/Jul/20 15:20, Drew Weaver wrote:
> Hello,
> Has anyone that used to run C6513s or C6513E found a replacement for them that has basically the same space requirements and the same number (or more) line card slots? Sort of like a dropin/replacement?
> The 16 slot nexus is considerably deeper (almost a foot) so I'm wondering what platforms people ended up jumping to when upgrading?

In the old day, we had a 6509-E as the largest switch in our stable.

It had been a while since we run switches that big, but when it came
time to replace our C6880-X in some PoP's, we went with Arista's 7508E.


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