[c-nsp] Rehosting a perpetual CSR1000V license

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.com
Thu Jul 23 04:51:33 EDT 2020

On 23/Jul/20 10:43, Lukas Tribus wrote:

> You just need a route to a HTTP proxy (like tinyproxy) in your FIB,
> just like you already need reachability for monitoring systems, NMS,
> radius servers etc.

All those monitoring systems live in the IGP, which is in FIB.

> No default route or full table necessary on any boxes, just IP
> reachability of a single, very simple forwarding proxy.

Things that call home into the cloud tend to be a bit flaky. Adding a
proxy to that can mix things up quite nicely, and I'd prefer to avoid
that altogether.

> - if the Cisco Licensing Cloud suddenly denies valid licenses due to
> temporary technical problems

I would expect that the SSM server has some grace period during which it
can lose communication with the mothership before starting to become a
threat to local operations. Not having that would be bad design, as the
Internet is well, not infallible. Those with SSM can enlighten us.

> - if the US gov suddenly imposes sanctions against your country (and
> in the simpliest scenario - you are unable to pay for subscriptions
> because international payments are blocked - this is happening right
> now between RIPE and iranian LIRs)

Well, this affects you even when you don't have an on-prem SSM server, then.

In our case, it helps to have backbone in other continents...


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