[c-nsp] Rehosting a perpetual CSR1000V license

Mark Tinka mark.tinka at seacom.com
Thu Jul 23 05:23:33 EDT 2020

On 23/Jul/20 11:08, Lukas Tribus wrote:

> Same for an on-prem SSM as well as a proxy.


> Yes, as you add variables you add complexity.
> It seems to me though that a forward proxy that connects two TCP
> sockets is less complex by an order of magnitude than running a full
> blown licensing server which probably needs periodic software updates
> itself just to continue to be able to talk to the mothership ...

I'm not immediately sure if that is necessarily complex, given it is
built for purpose and is going what is meant to do.

I'd feel more comfortable visualizing the inner-workings locally. Kind
of like hosting a local RPKI validator, as opposed to using one millions
of miles away :-).

> I'm unsure the SSM has grace periods. The end devices are supposed to
> have it though, IIRC.

Not sure either. Perhaps Chris can tell us, since he has one deployed.

> Yes, like I said, this is common to *all* subscriptions based services.

Which goes back to what Gert was saying. The direction this is taking is
not in-keeping with simplifying lives.


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